Boldenone has an androgenic index of 50; anabolic index of 100; low estrogenic activity and low progestogenic activity. The Undecylenate ester lengthens the time the drug stays active in the blood. Equipoise can be used in both weight-gaining and drying cycles. Effect of Equipoise Equipoise works by stimulating the kidneys causing them to release erythropoietin, which increases the amount of red blood cells. This effect is valuable to an athlete’s endurance but for bodybuilders, this I equally important because one of the ways that muscle growth works is based on increasing the number of capillaries in the muscle. Boldenone’s main purpose is drying and shaping the fat of bodybuilders and it should be known that Boldenone is not good for pre-competition drying because when used, it’s impossible to get away from the accumulation of water in the body, due to the subtle aromatization. Equipoise is great for getting your body ready to look good at the beach. Side effects of the drug People who are sensitive to the substance or at very high doses may develop gynecomastia, but this phenomenon is not common. Adding Tamoxifen or Proviron to the cycle will eliminate any manifestations of gynecomastia and other adverse reactions associated with aromatization. Rarely, but possible, are acne, increased aggressiveness and increased oily skin. Using Equipoise 250mg You can use Equipoise in many different ways. The following is a list that we regard the most effective. In weight-gaining cycles, Boldenone may be used as a substitute for Nandrolone due to the fact that it does not suppress endogenous testosterone production as much as Nandrolone does and it is not progestogenic. Due to the fact that Boldenone barely aromatizes, has no progestogenic activity, and also has a very long half-life, it makes it the perfect drug to combine with long esters and composite Testosterone preparations (Enanthate, Cypionate, Omnadren, Sustanon) in order to gain muscle mass. Equipoise effect of increasing appetite helps a lot with that.
Here are some more variations on mass-gaining cycles: Boldenone 600mg per week, Test Propionate 100mg every other day, Stanozolol 40mg per day. You can buy Equipoise from our online store in the USA. The fact that the product had already been lab tested appealed to me. Add a review Cancel reply You must be logged in to post a review. Our expert team is always at hand to help you with any queries.
To speak with one of our consultants, simply contact us through our website's Contact Us section by submitting a support ticket. We are happy to assist you in determining the best enhancement product for you, as well as the best cycles and any other general questions you may have.